Using the best gardening tools for planting bulbs will make your garden work easier. You can find out what they are here!
Many tools are available for taking the strain of gardening off your back and hands. No matter your needs, you’ll find a gardening tool that helps you make a task more manageable. You can find tools for preparing the soil for your bulbs, planting your bulbs, and removing them from the ground.
In this article, I share the advantages of using gardening tools, which types are best when you want to plant bulbs, and some tips to make planting bulbs a successful task!
The Advantages Of Using Gardening Tools
Injury Prevention
Gardening is a soothing task but can also be strenuous if someone is very young or old. Using the right gardening tools can prevent injuries like straining your back or hurting your hands.
Gardening tools can be very helpful when you use them to accomplish tasks you can’t do with your hands. Some tools are designed to remove stubborn weeds, and others to rake soil around plants without damaging them. Remember to keep all your tools clean between uses!
Gardening tools can save you a lot of time. You can finish specific tasks much faster with them than you would with your bare hands. Using a shovel, for example, can save you a lot of time since it picks up 50 times more soil than your hands could.
The 5 Best Gardening Tools For Planting Bulbs
Bulb Planter
Using a bulb planter makes planting bulbs much easier. It has a slightly bent blade and can help you plant bulbs in any type of soil – even that which is unprepared and inhospitable.
The other side of the planter typically has a notched blade that’s wide and sharp enough to get through rocky or hard surfaces.
Garden Spade
A good-quality garden spade will have a d-handle for easy gripping and a steel blade. You should also choose one with boot protectors on its edge.
You should have fertilizer for every bulb you intend to plant. This will ensure that your plants have enough nutrients while they grow.
Technically, fertilizer isn’t a gardening tool, but it’s useful and needed. You can just scatter most fertilizers over the ground and wait for it to start doing its job.
Bulb Trowel
A bulb trowel doesn’t scoop like traditional trowels. Instead, it stabs the bulbs. Bulb trowels are designed to help you plant more bulbs in less time. Its blade can easily cut through soil thanks to its sharp stainless steel point.
Knee Pads
Knee pads are essential when planting bulbs. You’ll spend a lot of time on your knees, and protecting them will make gardening more comfortable. Knee pads are typically made from memory foam and durable neoprene. They strap around your legs and dry really fast after you’ve cleaned them with a quick wipe.
Top Tips For Planting Bulbs
Choose Bulbs of a Good Quality
Plump and firm bulbs are the best to work with. You should avoid soft, mushy, or molded bulbs. Bigger bulbs bloom easier than the smaller kind.
Choose a Good Spot
The planting location you intend to use is critical. Bulbs have conditional needs and mostly require lots of sunlight. Choose a spot that gets at least 8 hours of sunlight per day.
Plant In The Right Season
Gardening is a seasonal activity because all plants have a certain season in which they thrive. You should only plant bulbs in the best season as per your area.
Plant The Bulbs Deep
You should plant your bulbs two to three times deeper than the bulb’s height.
Plant Them The Right Side Up
Bulbs should always be planted pointy side up if a pointy side is present. The side where the roots are visible and coming out should be facing down into the soil.
Use Soil of a Good Quality
You should use soil with a lot of organic matter that can drain well. You can also mix compost into the holes you’re using to plant your bulbs for extra nutrition.
Give Them Enough Water
You should water your bulbs right after planting them to help their roots settle faster. This will also eliminate any trapped air in the soil that could cause the bulbs to dry out.
Keep Critters Away
Your bulbs aren’t going to bloom anytime soon if squirrels or other critters have already rummaged through the garden, looking for food. Use wire or any other protection to keep the unwanted elements out.
Before You Go Digging
Always remember to have your handy gardening equipment on hand when you’re going to plant bulbs. Using a bulb planter and knee pads will already help a lot. You should also choose the perfect spot for your bulbs to ensure they grow successfully.
Gardening should be a relaxing and fun activity. If you use the right equipment for each job, you won’t sit with back or joint pain afterward. Each tool is designed to make planting bulbs easier.
I hope this article was helpful, and you look forward to planting your bulbs this season. If you have more questions about gardening tools for planting bulbs, ask them in the comments!
What tool do you use to plant bulbs?
There are some great tools that you can use to plant bulbs. This list includes bulb planters, bulb augers, soil knives, or dibblers.
What is the easiest way to plant bulbs?
Planting bulbs is relatively simple. Start by digging an appropriately sized hole in good quality soil. Add fertilizer to your hole and place the bulb root side into the hole. Fill your hole with soil and water generously.
How deep do bulbs need to be planted?
You should plant your bulbs two to three times deeper than the length of your bulb.
How do you remove the soil from a bulb planter?
The best way to clean a bulb planter is by hosing it off with water. You can also soak it in a basin with soap.