5 Types Of Gardening Wear For Ladies Beautiful And Comfortable

There are many different types of gardening wear for ladies that are both stylish and comfortable. It can be hard though to find a piece that works well for gardening. There is a lot that goes into choosing the right clothes, especially ones with designs that are still comfortable and light.

Thankfully, I have written out five gardening wear for ladies that is great for you! This list is subject to change though and as long as you are protecting your body from the harmful rays of the sun, any wear can be outdoor wear!

Perfect Gardening Weather

What is perfect gardening weather? Technically, there is no such thing as ‘perfect’ since the word is subjective and everybody has their own definition. That being said, when the weather is too hot it becomes more difficult to garden outside. This is because the intensity of the sun.

Also, the majority of plants do not survive temperatures above 90 degrees Fahrenheit, especially if they are under direct sunlight. This causes burns and marks in the leaves as well as sun spots on fruits and vegetables. You should look to garden outside when there is a light breeze and the sun is not beating down.

What Not To Wear While Gardening

 gardening clothes for women

Before we can dive into the gardening wear for ladies, we should touch upon the articles of clothing that are not necessary. Although it is tempting to use shorts while working outside in the heat, this is actually not recommended. Although shorts do give you some breathing space, they also expose your legs to the harsh sun.

Because of this, you can develop a sun burn and sweat more frequently. Sun spray and tanning spray is also not recommended. This encourages the sun to burn your skin causing the ‘tan’ that some people like. This tan though comes with a risk on skin cancer.

You should also refrain from wearing dark colors like black and grey. These colors attract the sun and cause you to overheat faster.

5 Gardening Wear For Ladies

So, now that we know what not to where while gardening, what do we wear? Listed below are five appropriate items to use outside while gardening.

1. Large Shading Hats

Hats are your new best friend! It is easy to forget about hats, but hard to feel the beating sun directly on our heads. Did you know that we cool our bodies by releasing heat from places like the top of our head and our toes? If our heads are being beaten by the sun, this only increases our body temperature.

A large shade hat provides cool relief against the sun, while also protecting the skin. Our face has sensitive skin compared to the rest of our body.

2. Long And Light Pants

Another wonderful gardening wear for ladies is long and light pants. These pants are comfortable, breezy, and perfect for both cool and warm gardening days. Always look for gardening wear for ladies in your size, but make sure that the pants are open at the bottom, this way air circulation can occur.

The most important part about gardening clothes for women is protecting our bodies from the sun as well as debris and sharp items in the ground. This means long pants with a soft and thin fabric that can reduce the chances of scrapes and scratches.

3. Long-sleeve Shirt

Short sleeve shirts are not recommended because they leave your arms exposed, but ladies can wear long-sleeve shirts as long as the fabric is light, airy, and thin. Any thick material can cause your body to over sweat and heat up. This clothes is only necessary when the weather is cold!

The long-sleeve shirt you wear while gardening should be similar to the ones you see people wear during their exercise routine. Gym long sleeve shirts have a moisture absorbing material that works well against extra sweat.

4. Gloves

It is easy to forget about this gardening wear for ladies; gloves. This item goes on our hands and protects them from splinters, the dirt, and any other items found in the garden. The material really depends on your own preference. I like to use gloves that are a light knit material and is not knit.

While there is nothing wrong with knit gloves, it does open the possibility for dirt and hard items to slip in the holes in your gloves.

5. Boots

Always use a good working pair of boots! When looking for boots as a piece of gardening wear for ladies, keep in mind that they need to be old and something that you don’t mind getting dirty! They should be made out of a durable and thick material and they can’t be too tight.

Other Things To Bring Outside While Gardening

Although we have discussed 5 gardening wear for ladies, there are way more items that women should consider when starting to garden, especially during the summer months. For example, I highly recommend bringing some form of sunscreen. This is because it protects our skin from the harmful UV rays that cause skin cancer.

If you don’t want to bring a bulky item, you can always use a travel size and clip it to your pants buckle or your purse. However, no matter which way you take sunscreen and skin protection, you should be safe at the end of the day!

Some people also pack and regularly use umbrellas for gardening wear for ladies. These umbrellas are perfect for windy and rainy days, especially when combined with the boots!


All in all, looking for gardening wear for ladies can be overwhelming with all of the options. It does not have to be hard though as long as you focus on the basic five gardening clothes for women. If you are looking for gardening wear, don’t fear! There are thousands of options to choose from and they are unique to your style.

Did you learn anything new about gardening clothes for women? Let us know in the comment section below and share this information with others!


What are the best pants for gardening?

The best pants for gardening are pants that are not tight. This way, sweat does not get trapped between your leg and the sticky tight fabric. Instead, light materials and light colored pants are best, especially ones that are large and airy as the breeze can cool your body temperature.

What do you wear to work in a plant nursery?

When working in a plant nursery, you should wear long sleeved shirts and long light pants. Not only do you need these items, but also the necessary accessories to stay safe from the heat and any spikes on the plants. For examples, hats are a great option as they shield you away from the sun, while gloves keep your hands clean and safe from sharp objects.

What do you wear while gardening?

You need to wear closed toed shoes, long pants, and light long-sleeved shirts. While the sun may make you want to stay away from long sleeves, they long sleeves shield you away from the suns harmful rays.